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He Said, She Said Project

Be a movie-maker. Produce your own movie / cartoon strip.

Step 1

1. Get into groups of four.

2. Read the following situations and choose the one your group would like to discuss:

A. Adam invited Tomer to hang out with some of his friends. Tomer would like to go with Adam because he is fun to be with. However, he has promised to do something else at the same time that everyone goes out. Decide:

- where Adam invites Tomer to go;

- what Tomer has promised to do;

- how the situation will be resolved: will Tomer go with Adam or will he stay to do what he had promised?  

- if Tomer declines Adam's invitation how Adam will react;

- if Tomer agrees to go with Adam how other people will feel about him breaking his promise;

- how Tomer will feel about his decision.


B. Nelly is a new student in a class. She is an outsider. She feels very lonely. Her fellow students are not nice to her. They make fun of her and call her weird. Sarah is a popular girl in class. Although she doesn't say so to her friends but she likes Nelly who seems such a smart and sensitive person to her.

It's Sarah's birthday and traditionally she invites all her classmates to her birthday party. Decide:

- why the kids think Nelly is weird;

- what they do to make fun of her;

- whether Sarah will invite Nelly to her birthday party;

- what she will tell her friends;

- whether Nelly will come to the party;

- whether Sarah's friends will come to the party if Nelly comes;

- how Sarah will feel in the end;

- how Nelly will feel in the end.


C. Lior realized that his friend Avi has been taking advantage of him. He doesn't know what to do. If Lior tells Avi how he feels he will probably lose the only friend he has ever had. If not, Avi will go on with this “user” attitude. Decide:

- what Avi was doing;

- how he was taking advantage;

- what Lior will tell Avi;

- how Avi will react;

- whether they will stay friends or not;

- what Lior will feel;

- what Avi will feel.


D. Tamir and Sharon have been best friends since kindergarten. They live close to each other, study in the same class and always do things together. Right now they are supposed to do a project together. However, Sharon seems to be always busy with other stuff. He plays soccer on a school team. He’s got a girlfriend he sees almost every evening. Tamir is forced to work on the project on his own. Decide:

- which project it is;

- what Tamir feels;

- what Tamir says to Sharon;

- how Sharon reacts;

- how they resolve their problem.


E. Rona wrote nasty things about Tally. The whole class joined the boycott of Tally. Doreen feels terrible about the whole thing and wishes it would end. Decide:

- what the relationship between the girls; had been like before the falling out;

- what caused the falling out;

- what Doreen does to change things;

- how her classmates react;

- how Tally feels;

- how Doreen feels;

- how Rona feels.



F. Rina let her friend down. She feels terribly sorry for what she has done. Decide:

- what she has done;

- whether she admits her mistake;

- whether she apologizes;

- whether her apology is accepted.


G. Daniel and Ben are good friends. Tom is also a good friend of Daniel's. The teacher asked to do a project in pairs. Ben wanted to do it with Daniel. Tom wanted to do it with Daniel, too. Decide:

- what Daniel decided;

- who he chose to do his project with;

- how he explained his decision to his other friend;

- how his friend felt;

- how Daniel felt.    


H. Tomer and Aviv are good friends. Tomer didn't get ready to the test and asks Aviv help him do the test by letting him copy from Aviv's test. Aviv is aware that it's cheating, but Tomer is his friend, so… Decide:

- whether Aviv agrees to let Tomer copy from his test;

- if he does, what happens next: are they caught or not?

- if he doesn't, how he explains his decision to Tomer;

- what Aviv feels;

- what Tomer feels.


I. Ran has been absent from school for more than a week. Tomorrow the students are having a big Math test. He turns for help to his good friend Shalom but Shalom has a date with Ora on the night before the test. Decide:

- what Shalom decides to do;

- whether he finds a solution to satisfy all the parties;

- how Shalom feels in the end;

- how Ran feels in the end.



J. Bob and Ora have always shared their secrets with each other. Bob told Ora a secret. Ora gossiped in class and shared his secret with other children. The children laughed at him. Decide:

- what Bob's secret was;

- why Ora told others about it;

- how Bob felt;

- what Bob did afterwards: Did he talk to Ora? What did he say?

- how Ora felt.

3. Write a paragraph that includes the results of your discussion: write the details of your version of the situation of your choice and its development. Hand it in to the teacher. (Part I of your project)


Step 2

4. Get ready to make a cartoon strip / a short film of 2-3 min. to present the situation of your choice. In order to do this 

a. decide on the roles: who does what (scriptwriter(s), director, actors, cameraman).

b. write a script including a short dialogue between the characters.

c. think of the questions to the audience that can be added in the end of the strip. Make sure your questions include the following:

- What is the cartoon / movie about?

- What's the character's dilemma?

- How do you think each of the characters feels in the end?

- What lesson did each of them learn?

5. Edit your script and the questions. Submit it for your teacher's approval. (Part II of your project)

Step 3

6. Film the strip. Record the dialogue. Add it to the strip. DON’T use songs or any popular music as your background sound.

7. Record the questions. Add them to the strip with subtitles.

8. Send you final product to the teacher.

Step 4


9. Watch the strips of other groups in the class. Choose ONE strip.

10. Record yourself

a. describing what the problem is;

b. answering the questions in the end of the strip.

NB: Remember to look straight into the camera and TALK not read from the notes.

11. Send your recording to the teacher.

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